Kansas Works Veterans Jobs

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Job Information

Butler County Courthouse Planner I in El Dorado, Kansas

This job was posted by https://www.kansasworks.com : For more information, please see: https://www.kansasworks.com/jobs/13189032

Position Summary: Under the supervision of the Planning and Development Director, the Planner I is responsible for research in current and long-range planning; providing information to other county departments, governing bodies, city / county planning commissions, developers, the business community, and the general public. The employee in this position also performs research and administrative duties on projects as directed by the County Commission.

Examples of Work (Essential Functions):

  • Assists in Revising zoning and subdivision regulations for the county to comply with state mandates;
  • Assists in maintaining and updates official copy of zoningmap;
  • Assists Planning Director in preparation of packets for Planning Commission and BOCC agendaitems;
  • Assists Planning Director on a daily basis in duties asassigned;
  • Assists Planning Director with managing the countywide addressingsystem;
  • Assists Planning Director with updating the ComprehensivePlan;
  • Conducts pre-application conferences and assist public and others withinquiries concerning our zoning and subdivisionregulations;
  • Provides plan review of environmental and buildingprojects;
  • Performs residential building inspections and duties of theinspector;
  • Performs code administration for environmental healthregulations;
  • Approves permits for environmental, building, andfloodplain;
  • Oversees the investigation of violations for zoning, environmental, building, and floodplainissues;
  • Serves as Floodplainadministrator and CRS Coordinator;
  • Researches propertyrecords;
  • Researches and develops resolutions to County Commissionrequest;
  • Works with officials from other jurisdictions within theCounty.
  • Performs other duties as deemed necessary or as required.

Abilities, Knowledge, Skills:

  • Ability to apply concepts such as fractions, percentages, ratios, and proportions to practical situations;
  • Ability to define problems, collect data, establish facts, and draw validconclusions;
  • Ability to interpret an extensive variety of technical instructions in mathematicalor diagram form and deal with several abstract and concretevariables;
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other employees, contractors, and thepublic;
  • Ability to interpret and work from plans, drawings, blueprints anddiagrams;
  • Ability to read and interpret engineering plans and sketches, and the ability to read and map legal descriptions;
  • Ability to read and understand legal descriptions, operate sophisticated mapping equipment, and use acomputer;
  • Ability to read, analyze, and interpret common scientific and technical journals, financial reports, and legaldocuments;
  • Ability to recall and apply large amounts of technical data and legalregulations;
  • Ability to reliably and predictably carry outduties;
  • Ability to respond to common inquiries or complaints from customers, regulatory agencies, or members of the businesscommunity;
  • Ability to write speeches and articles for publication that conform to prescribed style andformat;
  • Abilitytoeffectivelypresentinformationtotopmanagement,publicgroups,and/or boards ofdirectors;
  • Ability to review, read and interpret construction details and plans, keep detailed records and preparereports;
  • Ability to tactfully enforce codes, regulations andrequirements;
  • Ability to work with mathematical concepts such as probability and statisticalinference;
  • Knowledge city and county government and regulations affecting preparation of county resolutions;
  • Knowledge of planning and zoninglaws;
  • Skill in interpersonal, oral and written communication.

Proble Solving: Extensive problem solving exists in this position. Problems include establishing projects and programs within stated guidelines.

Decision Making: Decision making is a factor in this position. Decisions include determining the most appropriate approach in developing legal regulations.

Accountability: Employee is responsible for meeting deadlines regarding current and comprehensive planning. Employees participates in helping to determine annual department budget needs.

Supervision: Limited supervision is provided and job related decisions are reviewed by Planning and

Development Director.

Personal Relationships: Frequent contact with other county departments and continual contact with the general public.

Working Conditions
