Kansas Works Veterans Jobs

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KDOT Construction Inspector Trainee in Garnett, Kansas

This job was posted by https://www.kansasworks.com : For more information, please see: https://www.kansasworks.com/jobs/13154394

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DA 281-2 (Special) State of Kansas Department of Administration


Position Description

Read each heading carefully before proceeding. Make statements simple, brief, and complete. Be certain the form is signed. Send the

original to KDOT Bureau of Personnel Services.


PART I - Position Information

1. Agency Name

KS Dept. of Transportation

9. Position Number


10. Budget Program Number

2. Employee Name (leave blank if position vacant) 11. Present Civil Service Title / FLSA code (if existing position)

Engineering Technician Associate UNCL / Non-exempt

(Engineering Technician Associate working title)


3. Division


12. Proposed Civil Service Title

4. Section

District For use by Personnel Office

5. Unit


13. (a) Allocation (b) FLSA code

6. Location (address where employee works)

City: County:

14. Effective Date

7. (Check appropriate items) 15. By Approved

Full time X Regular X 100%

Part time Temp

16. Audit Date:




8. Regular hours work: (check appropriate time)


17. Position Review Date:




PART II -- Organizational Information

18. (a) Briefly describe why this position exists. (What is the purpose, goal or mission of this position?) (b) If this is a request to reallocate a position,

briefly describe the reorganization, reassignment of work, new function added by law or other factors which change the duties and responsibilities of

the position.

To assist in administering construction contracts so that the work is performed per legal requirements and desired quality is achieved.

19. Who is the supervisor of the position? (Who assigns work, conducts performance reviews, gives directions, answers questions and is directly in


Name Civil Service Title KDOT/SHARP Position Number

/ K0

20. a) How much latitude is allowed the employee in completing the work? b) What kinds of instructions, methods and guidelines are given to the

employee in this position to help do the work? c) State how and in what detail work assignments are made.

(a) Employee is closely supervised with limited latitude for routine task.

(b) Detailed instructions are given either verbally or written by supervisors.

(c) Formal guidelines are provided by manual, specifications, SOMs, plans and contracts.

(d) Check the statement which best describes the results of error in action or decision of the employee:

(X) Minimal property damage, minor injury and/or minor disruption of the flow of work.

( ) Moderate loss of time, injury, damage and/or adverse impact on health and welfare of others.

( ) Major program failure, major property loss and/or serious injury.

( ) Loss of life and/or disruption of operations of a major agency.

Give examples:

An error by this employee could result in loss of time/money for the State of Kansas, counties, cities, or contractors.

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21. Describe the work of this position using this page or one additional page only. Use the following format for describing job duties:

What is the action being done (use an action verb)? To whom or what is the action directed (object of action)? Why is the action being done

(describe the expected result or outcome)? *How is the action being done (describe the manner, methods, techniques or procedures by which the task

is currently performed). For each task state: Who reviews it? How often? What is it reviewed for? Number each task, indicate percent of time and

identify each function as essential or marginal by pl acing an E or M next to the % of time for each task. Essential Functions are the primary job duties

for which the position was created (see 18a) and that an employee must be able to perform, with or without reasonable accommodation. A marginal

function is a peripheral, incidental or minimal part of the position.

No. % E/M

1. 35 E

2. 25 E

