Kansas Works Veterans Jobs

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Job Information

Twin Ag Farms Heavy and Tractor Trailer Truck Driver in Grainfield, Kansas

This job was posted by https://www.kansasworks.com : For more information, please see: https://www.kansasworks.com/jobs/13145600

::: {role="presentation"}

Operating self-propelled custom class harvesting equipment that reaps, harvests, threshes, swathes, or winnows crops such as corn, wheat, milo; performing manual or mechanical adjustments to equipment including tractors, harvesters, trucks; performing safety checks on equipment; maintaining and repairing equipment and other tools; transporting crops to elevators, silos, or other storage areas, and transporting equipment and other tools used for harvesting from one field to another; load agricultural products into trucks without over or underfilling bed or trailer, and drive to market or storage facilities with appropriate commercial drivers license; clean work areas; operate farm equipment; haul commodities, manure, fertilizer, and other materials; weigh and record weights and identifying information; guide products on conveyors to regulate flow through machines; Speak and understand english.


::: {role="presentation"} ::: {padding-left="0" padding-right="-20" stacked="false" divider="false"} ::: {role="presentation"} Housing is provided. Reimbursement for transportation and subsistence is also offered. Transportation will be provided at no cost to workers, from employer-provided housing and, if applicable, centralized pick-up points to the places of employment at the beginning of each workday and back at the end of each work day. Please contact employer for further details. ::: ::: :::
