Job Information
Kanza Mental Health & Guidance Center Supported Housing Case Manager in Hiawatha, Kansas
This job was posted by https://www.kansasworks.com : For more information, please see: https://www.kansasworks.com/jobs/13112370
Job Title:Supported Housing Case Manager
Job Classification:Hourly, Non-Exempt
Reports To:Community Support Services (CSS) Supervisor
Work Schedule:1.0 FTE; Monday-Friday, 40 hours/week
Primary Responsibilities:
The Supported Housing Case Manager is a direct service delivery position for implementation of the Housing First evidence-based program model through case management services with a goal of finding safe and affordable housing solutions. The Case Manager will participate as part of the Supported Housing Team as well as the Community Support Services Team and the Assertive Community Treatment Team. The Case Manger assists with housing search and placement along with leveraging supportive services that will assist the participant household to maintain permanent housing and works to ensure access to HUD programming efforts and behavioral health services that are based on informed choice and align with Fair-Housing regulations. This is a grant-funded position through 2025.
Key Responsibilities:
- Provide direct service deliverywithclients with an emphasis on housing search and placement, along with providing supportive interventions to help the individual/family maintain permanent housing.
- Assess housing barriers of individuals and families experiencing homelessness or who are at-risk of homelessness todeterminehousing and service needs.
- Provide a variety of office and community-based activities to manage andmonitorhousing situations, housing search, and supportive services to promote client self-sufficiency, community integration, and housing permanency.
- Provide mediation and advocacy with landlords on the clients behalf to develop a workable plan to obtain and ormaintainhousing.
- Create andmaintainconsistent communication channels, both verbal and written, between several parties (i.e.tenant, landlord, referral source, collaborating agencies,debtorsand creditors).
- Serve as an ongoing liaison between property managers and participants as well as between participants and neighbors.
- Provide information and referral assistanceregardingavailable support fromappropriate socialservice agencies and/or community programs.
- Assistin development of and encourage adherence to a personal budget through pro-active housing and budget counseling sessions; provide budget counseling and education toassistclients inestablishingpayments plans for bills and past debts and toassistclients in obtaining andmaintainingtheir housing.
- Assistparticipants in development of a strength-based/solution-focused individualized goal and action plan that promotes permanent housing and self-sufficiency; develop an effective,timelyreferral networkin order toensure ongoing direction and support as needed.
- Identifyparticipant strengths and barriers to stability andassistparticipants to reducing barriers and linking to resources and services.
- Provide pro-active follow-up home visits to ensure stability and further progress towards self-sufficiency; this includes support, advocacy, reducing isolation, listening, problem solving, and identification of resources toassistwith reintegration of participants in the community.
- Transport clients asdeemednecessary. Transportation requirements should be limited to housing and job searches and occasionalvisitto relevant social service agencies.
- May require use of crisis intervention techniques
- Have full understanding of HIPAA privacy laws andmaintainclient confidentiality
- Provide direct services according to current performance standards
- Provide coverage for crisis intervention services which may include eve ing or weekend hours
- Other duties asassigned
Supervisory Responsibilities:
- This is not a supervisory position
Physical Demands:
- Ability to sit for extended periods of time
- Ability to focus on computer screens for extended periods of time
- Ambulatory capabilities to work with consumer in the home and community settings
Work Environment:
- Main worksite for this position will be the Hiawatha Community Services Building however travel to outreach offices isrequired
- Will conduct sessions in the home and community settings
- Risk of exposure to aggressive or acting out behaviors (verbal and/or physical)