Kansas Works Veterans Jobs

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Job Information

Brown's Creek Farms, Inc. Agricultural Equipment Operator in Jewell, Kansas

This job was posted by https://www.kansasworks.com : For more information, please see: https://www.kansasworks.com/jobs/13181188

::: {role="presentation"}

We have a family operated farm where we grow 4200-acres of soybeans, wheat, corn, and milo with primarily late-model John Deere equipment. Employees will be required to maintain and operate equipment, including farm trucks, tractors, air seeder, planter, sprayer, combines, hay equipment, etc. Employees will need to assist with all aspects of growing these crops including assist with all aspects of planting and harvesting activities. Employees will need to do field maintenance, including fencing and manual weeding / tree removal. Employees will need to complete routine repairs and maintenance on equipment. Per state regulations, employer is exempt from a commercial CDL requirement for farm trucking. No commercial trucking is required. Employer may provide pay increases for performance, longevity and/or experience at employers discretion. Employer may provide performance bonuses at the end of the contract at the employers discretion.


::: {role="presentation"} ::: {padding-left="0" padding-right="-20" stacked="false" divider="false"} ::: {role="presentation"} Housing is provided. Reimbursement for transportation and subsistence is also offered. Transportation will be provided at no cost to workers, from employer-provided housing and, if applicable, centralized pick-up points to the places of employment at the beginning of each workday and back at the end of each work day. Please contact employer for further details. ::: ::: :::
