![Kansas Works Logo](https://dn9tckvz2rpxv.cloudfront.net/kansasworks.jobs/img/logo.png)
Job Information
Clarke Farms Equipment Operator in Lyons, Kansas
This job was posted by https://www.kansasworks.com : For more information, please see: https://www.kansasworks.com/jobs/13181193
::: {role="presentation"}
Workers will use equipment to plant, cultivate and harvest wheat, milo, corn, soybeans, and alfalfa, apply fertilizers, tillage, raking, swathing, bailing, and stacking crops. Workers will drive non cdl trucks to haul grain, hay and sprayers. Drug testing will be performed upon incidence, accident or suspicion, at the employers expense. Failure or refusal of a drug test is grounds for immediate termination. Workers must be able to lift 50 lbs. and have at least 3 months of experience operating grain farming equipment.
::: {role="presentation"} ::: {padding-left="0" padding-right="-20" stacked="false" divider="false"} ::: {role="presentation"} Housing is provided. Reimbursement for transportation and subsistence is also offered. Transportation will be provided at no cost to workers, from employer-provided housing and, if applicable, centralized pick-up points to the places of employment at the beginning of each workday and back at the end of each work day. Please contact employer for further details. ::: ::: :::